
To help local contractors and other business entities to partner with qualified international companies to undergo projects in different fields

The services we offer through the companies we represent :

Economic, financial and planning studies:

- Overall surveys of the economic environment
- Sectorial planning studies (energy, water, transport )
- Feasibility reports for public sector projects ( land  

  and sea transport, energy, hydro-agriculture  

- Feasibility reports for commercial ventures (mining,

  iron and steel, agro business, miscellaneous  

- Assistance in setting up institutions or corporations

Technical studies

- Preliminary design.
- Final design and detailed engineering
- Investment budget
- Construction program
- Tender specifications
- Tender evaluation
- Assistance in contract negotiations

Construction management and supervision

- Cost control
- Construction program control
- Expediting, inspection and contracts follow-up
- Construction management and supervision
- Quality assurance

Operational assistance

- Commissioning
- In-service evaluation
- Operation programming
- Drafting of operating and maintenance manuals
- Assistance in hiring and training of personnel
- Assistance in management and operation

Transfer of technology

- Training courses and seminars on engineering,

   management and operation
- Project studies in integrated teams.