
To help local contractors and other business entities to partner with qualified international companies to undergo projects in different fields

Specializations of the international companies

that we represent:

Heavy Industry:

- Energy production
- Chemical, petrochemical
- Oil, gas
- Paper
- Iron works, metallurgy
- Miniral salt, cement, glass
- Sugar


Advanced Techniques:
- Nuclear technology 
- Naval architecture
- Automation

Light Industry:
- Pharmaceutical and cosmetics
- Processed chemical industry ( paints, ink, adhesive)
- Electrical and electronic equipment
- Metal work
- Paper manufacturing and printing
- Wood, high pressure laminates

- Construction material
- Textile industry
- Storage and distribution facilities
- Laboratories and research centers

Municipal Development

- Urban development ng
- Hotels and restaurants
- Shopping centers- Medical facilities
- Cultural and recreation facilities


- Roads, bridges, tunnels
- Port and harbor facilities

- Airports

• Rural Development

- Irrigation
- Agri- industrial complexes
- Food industry   

Economic and town planning studies:

- Market survey
- Site location
- Town planning
- Land use studies
- Transportation and traffic studies
- Communication and promotional studies